“Hello, Aria,” he says smoothly, seductively. “Might I have a moment, please.”
He slides his hand down my arm to take my hand. I shiver at the heat of his touch as he leads me into the alleyway, placing us behind one of the walls of the parking garage, keeping us out of sight.
“Do you think it’s wise to tempt me? To tease me?” he asks, stepping closer until my back is pressed against the wall and his hands are on either side of my head.
I swallow against the fierceness he projects. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Now maybe not so much. I admit that I hadn’t expected him to act on it. Hell, I tease him all the time. Though maybe Liam’s reached his limit. I stare into the heated depths of his eyes and realize I’ve never seen him like this. Unleashed. Raw. A burn sizzles through me, pooling heat low in my body.
The side of his mouth arches obviously in response to the hitch of my breath, the flushing of my cheeks. His grin is as deadly as it is sexy. “Do you think I don’t know that if I wanted it, I could have you?” The passion exuding from him consumes me, swallowing me whole when he adds, “I know you are well aware that the only reason I haven’t touched you before is because I’m respecting your loyalty to Jackson.”
He leans in and as I inhale his woodsy scent, my heart is racing, thighs are clenching, sex is drenching with desire.
“Do not toy with me, Aria.” He brings his mouth close to mine, his warm minty breath brushing across my parted lips. “Do not push against me because I will not lose. Let this be a reminder of that.” His big, strong hand pushes against my thigh. I’m spreading my legs for him before I even wonder if I should.
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