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Happy Six Sentence Sunday! This week I'm sharing a snippet from my new work-in-progress, The Cat's Meow. Last week I shared a scene where Libby had to grab a warlock's attention. Now she needs to take it one step further and play the part of a woman in lust! Edwin grinned from ear-to-ear. “You really want it that bad?” I’d rat[...]
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Bookmas Day 12 written by Jessica Faust I had just finished my very first interview in book publishing. I was nervous, excited and overwhelmed by New York City, tall buildings and the prospect that I'd just discovered my dream job. As with any publisher, when walking through the office there were books and posters everywhere and I couldn't ge[...]
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Happy Six Sentence Sunday! This week I'm sharing a snippet from my new work-in-progress, The Cat's Meow. In this scene, a witch, Libby is investigating some strange deaths in Charleston with a warlock, Kale. She needs to conjure a spell to get information out of someone, but is less than thrilled with how she has to go about it. Kal[...]
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