Let me introduce you . . .
Master Dmitri: President & CEO of Las Vegas’s top casino and owner of Club Sin. He’s extremely giving to those closest to him, and despite being incredibly wealthy, he’s down to earth and blends in with his blue collar friends at their traditional hangout, a sports bar.
Master Aidan: Defense attorney at his own law firm. Aidan hadn’t dealt with the death of his former sub and love of his life two years prior to the beginning of the story. He was somewhat oblivious to the feelings of his current sub, but the chemistry and connection between them was undeniable.
Master Kyler: Cop with LVPD. Kyler is probably the fan favorite of the group. He was confident, sexy, had a great sense of humor, and as a Dom and a cop, he had a protective streak that was more comforting than stifling.
Master Porter: Private Investigator at his own company, Cora’s former Dom and boyfriend and another fan favorite. Porter wasn’t afraid of relationships, but he kept ending up in the friend zone, and that left him a little jaded. Equipped with seemingly infinite patience and a sexy wickedness, he managed to snare the bratty sub Kenzie.
Master Sawyer: SWAT with LVPD. Sawyer was more serious and stoic than his friends but no less lovable. His dilemma was falling for a vanilla woman and coming to the realization that he wanted her just the way she was. “Is her love worth swearing off the one thing that keeps him sane?”
For more information about the CLUB SIN series, go here.