
I wrote until I *nearly* dropped dead! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (@GordonGina, #WERetreat)

Update – 4:15Β  PM – That’s it folks!

I’ve written another 1332 words. So, that means today, I’ve written 5544 words in total on CLUB SIN #2. So fantastic!

Thank you everyone for cheering me on today! All the support ROCKS! And just because I’m so dang happy, I’ve picked 5 winners to receive an eBook of their choice.

Evelyn, Heather, PhyllisM, Melissa Lamb, and Angie.

Ladies, please contact me at stacey@staceykennedy.com to claim your prize. Don’t forget to let me know what eBook you’d like and what format works best for you. If you missed out on getting a book today, try again tomorrow. I’ll be ready to go with a new goal!

*big hugs*

Wanna know what I’m going on about? Click HERE!